Monday, August 4, 2008

Every Other Day Of The Week Is Fine

Long, detailed, boring, weekend recap: Friday night, stayed home with the family and watched some Lost on DVD. This proved to be a little tough to do since Avery has learned how to blabber REALLY loudly. All we heard the whole time we were trying to watch was BLA DA DA DA!!!! BUH BUH MUH GA GA DA DAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! Saturday, we went to the mall. This was not very fun at all but it was amusing watching people look at Avery. She likes sitting in the big kid stroller (which looks funny considering she's only six months old). Also, I think her ability to hold her own bottle while she sits in the stroller makes it look a little strange too. Then we went out to eat at Schimmel's (a nice restaurant that is one of the few places in Mississippi that has a revolving door) with the Grubb's's's (the inlaws) for Allison's mom's birthday. My food was okay but the portion was tiny. It was a ripoff. Sunday was good, all we did was stay at home, we went walking, I grilled a tenderloin, and we watched Blade Runner (which we didn't like very much). Not a bad weekend.

Answer to last post's Trivia: Isosceles Kramer

Trivia: On Seinfeld, who really won "The Contest" and was master of his/her domain?

Daily Memory: When I was in the second grade, there was this kid in my class who's name was Kyle. He was a spoiled little jerk who always tried to boss everyone around. One day on the playground he was sitting on the tire swing and I walked by. He didn't ask me to push him, he commanded me. I quickly told him no and he said that if I didn't do it that he would tell our teacher that I punched him and I would get in trouble. So I said, "fine Kyle, I'll push you." I walked up to the swing, grabbed the chain in one hand and with the other I punched him as hard as I could right in his gut. He cried his little pansy eyes out and ran and told the teacher and I got in trouble. I figured there was no way I was going to let him boss me around and if he was going to lie and tell the teacher anyway that I hit him, I might as well not let that punch go to waste.


prin said...

Tiny portion? Now you know how they pay for that revolving door.

I say Jerry. But it was a tie, wasn't it?

lol @ your story. Bully. No wonder Al's so obedient.

Anonymous said...

Kramer was the first to go and then Elaine. George and Jerry both sleep good that night, but I don't remember either of them winning.

Kyle sounds gay.

I haven't done any real work yet. Unless you count ordering a digital tv converter box and reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

get a new poll

prin said...

I thought all the choices on the poll were equal when it closed. What happened?

prin said...

Oh and how come Compensating Al has an ego all of a sudden?

prin said...

Just thought I'd throw in a third. You know, seal the deal on crazy. Remove any doubt.

Anonymous said...

Crazy indeed.

Yeah, I thought all four names had 2 votes? I know they did cause I made sure of it.

It's getting hard to keep up with what my name is now.

Father Rob said...

"Crazy indeed." HA!

I don't know what happened to the votes. There was two votes for each when the poll ended.

Anonymous said...

New poll!

Get a puppy. We've got one and are about to get a second, because of course, the one we have needs a companion. The plan is, having a 2nd dog will make the 1st dog less hyper and less likely to run to the neighbors house to play with the little kids the second the gate opens. I bet they both run away. Stupid little dachshund mix-breeds.

prin said...

Two dogs are always better than one. One dog is one, but two are one and a half. Three are four and four are two and a half. Even numbers, you see? That's when dogs get easier.