Friday, December 5, 2008

Merry Christmas


prin said...

She has teeth?!?

Santa: Ow! My eye! Naughty list! Naughty list!! Ho ho ho-ow!

Anonymous said...

Can't believe you have a kid.

Anonymous said...

Where's Prim?

prin said...

Alister thinks he's funny.

Caution in slow blogger.

Anonymous said...

I love cookie cake.

Father Rob said...

Her name is Jennifer.

And cookie cake is great.

prin said...

Al's name is Jennifer? Poor Al... Uh, I mean, Jen. He got stuck with a crappy name.

And I've never had cookie cake. I've bought it, but never had it.

Anonymous said...

If I have a boy I'll name him Sue.

Anonymous said...

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